
How is our natural world changing and how are humans affecting it?

Key Battle Won Against Malaria
Key Battle Won Against Malaria

Key Battle Won Against Malaria

The World Health Organization has certified China as malaria-free. Given that the country was reporting 30 million cases per year of the disease in the 1940s, it’s a major milestone in the worldwide campaign to eradicate the killer disease completely.How has China...

Earth Day At A Glance
Earth Day At A Glance

Earth Day At A Glance

This year’s Earth Day was bigger than ever, with politicians, businesses, celebrities, NGOs and activists all using it as a moment to announce new initiatives addressing climate change.It would be an impossible task to summarise everything, but we’ve pulled...

The Day To Save The Earth
The Day To Save The Earth

The Day To Save The Earth

It is no coincidence that President Joe Biden chose to hold his Leaders’ Summit on Climate on Earth Day. The initiative, now entering its second half century, has become a focal point for environmental action and activism around the world, and with climate change...

Fighting For The Bees
Fighting For The Bees

Fighting For The Bees

Bees are probably the most important insect on the planet. Not just because of the honey and other products they produce directly, but because they are the most prolific pollinators we have.Quite simply, without them, many plants would die. Ever watched The Bee...