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Measuring Snow Depth With Drones

by | 17 June 2024

Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), specifically the Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), are using drones to measure snow depths on the Bernina Pass. The project aims to provide essential snow data for planning photovoltaic systems in mountainous regions, ensuring the safety and efficiency of alpine solar installations.

In January 2024, the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), specifically their Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), utilized drones to measure snow depths on the Bernina Pass. This project, conducted by researchers Yves Bühler and Andreas Stoffel from SLF’s Alpine Remote Sensing group, aims to provide detailed snow data for planning photovoltaic systems in mountainous regions.

Photovoltaic system planners, seeking to avoid snow-related damages to solar modules and substructures, require precise information about winter conditions. By using drone cameras, SLF experts measure snow’s spatial distribution, significantly aiding in selecting appropriate construction sites. The collected data is critical for determining if special measures are needed to protect installations from snow loads.

During these flights, Stefan Margreth, head of SLF’s Protective Measures research group, processes the drone data for expert reports. These reports assist in mitigating the impacts of snow accumulation and wind patterns altered by photovoltaic installations, ensuring the structures’ safety and efficiency.

Drone flights and evaluations cost between 4,000 to 5,000 Swiss francs, justified by the valuable information they provide. As the first alpine solar parks in Switzerland serve as test installations, ongoing monitoring of snow depth post-construction remains crucial for future planning and maintenance.


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